Almost everything can be broken for materials with the right equipment. Dysmantle objects and collect the sweet nectar of the old world: plastics, rubber, and metals. Use the materials to invent and craft powerful new items and upgrades.
Explore the ruins of the past and discover technology from the hitech era. Gain technological advantage against the hostile environment.
Or go deeper and recover the ancient lost knowledge from the hidden tomb chambers of the old ones. Acquire materials with almost magic-like properties and use them to craft even more powerful gear.
You are not alone. The new world is occupied with peculiar forms of life because of CENSORED CENSORED. There be monsters. Avoid them. Fight them. Harvest their organs and use them to craft powerful new equipment.
Just beware of what lies in the far north on the ice cold frozen lands of REDACTED. CENSORED CENSORED AAND CENSORED.
Hunt REDACTED wild animals, or tame and capture them for your post-apocalyptic zoo.
Fish magnificient things lurking beneath the water. Find legendary fishing spots and catch fish thiiiiiis big.
Start your own post-apocalyptic farm. Grow things and reap the rewards as crops get ripe.
Explore and conquer the vast open world. Find perfect Camp sites and expand them to Outposts to establish your presence. Claim abandoned houses and redecorate them to your taste. Explore your surroundings, gather precious materials, collect things, hunt for treasure, and solve mysterious puzzles. And eventually... When it's time to say goodbye... Find the means of escaping the island.
You will not be fighting just to maintain the status quo. This IS NOT a game about starving. You won't be constantly looking for a tasty cockroach to fill your over-metabolic stomach while waiting for the unavoidable bliss that is death. You will never die of hunger. You will get more powerful and unlock permanent upgrades. The world is a dangerous place, and you may take a few steps back once in a while, but eventually you will thrive. And you will enjoy it.
The full version of the game is launching on Steam and GOG in November 2021, and on consoles in 2022/Q1. The mobile version schedule is still TBD.
The full launch isn't the end though: we're also planning on updating the game with free content and DLCs during 2022. More details will be announced later!
Join our Discord server and come chat with fellow dysmantlers!
You can find art assets and other materials at 10tons DYSMANTLE presskit.
Yes! You can join it here: discord.gg/10tons.
While there isn't an "official" wiki for the game, there's a great community organized wiki.
On some platform versions like Windows and Android you can send bug reports from within the game. The bug reports are all anonymous, so we are not able to reply back to you even if we'd want to. If you have a specific question or just want to chat about something, you can join our Discord server.
Make sure you have the latest Android version (at least of DYSMANTLE updated from Google Play Store.
Export (get save out of the game):
1. Long-press the game icon, and select "Export/Import Save".
2. The game starts normally, but exports the save files to user accessible storage.
3. Use the device's file browser or a computer to access the save files in (device/internal storage)/Android/data/com.the10tons.dysmantle/files/save
Import (put save into the game):
1. Store the save files into the same location as when exporting.
2. Long-press the game icon, and select "Export/Import Save".
3. The game starts normally, and imported save files are used. NOTE: make sure the save files to be imported are newer (modified date) than the existing save files. Otherwise the files to be imported are overwritten with the existing files.
Now some great news: If you also have Dysmantle on PC/Mac/Linux, you should be able to use this system to play the same save game on both desktop/laptop and mobile, just copy the save file into the save folder on the desktop/laptop and you should be golden.
2022 (c) 10tons Ltd. All rights reserved. "PS" Family logo, "PlayStation", "PS4", and "PS5" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "Xbox One" and "SERIES X" are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc. "Nintendo Switch" is a trademark of Nintendo. All other trademarks or trade names are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved. DYSMANTLE release date is an estimate. In the case of an apocalypse, game release may be postponed, cancelled, or released ahead of schedule.